Monday, August 31, 2009

The People Who Matter Most

If there is one thing I've learned, it's that you can never take too many pictures or, more importantly, be in too many pictures. I, for one, hate getting my picture taken sans the rare times I'm in the mood to be a cam-whore. I'm usually the one behind the lens, and for not having a fancy, shmancy camera that has suddenly spiked in popularity all of the sudden, I think I take pretty decent pictures with my little digital. But I digress. Because of my fondness of taking pictures rather than being in them, I found that I wasn't in as many as I thought. Picking out pictures to print and take to college with me for decoration turned out to be both an easy and a difficult task: easy because I picked the few I was in and difficult because some my favorites were those I was not in and, incidentally, took myself.

Lesson learned. I've tried to include myself in as many opportunities for being in pictures as I can because, really, pictures become the memories that we can always revisit even when we forget. And, as narcissistic as it sounds, I'd like to be in other people's memories as well.

Title Credit: Action Item

The wall of my friends, family, and loved ones. Some from years ago. Some excluding myself. All with people I'll never forget. (For any facebookers who know me IRL, this is a more updated picture of my wall/collage than posted on Facebook)

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